
Poppy Playtime

 The game's release date was Oct.12 2021. It's playable on Android, iOS and Microsoft windows. Within the last 30 days, the Avg. Players is 667.8 and the peak players is 1,146.  Well, you might be wondering what Poppy Playtime is all about and I'm here to help. Well, for starters, you play as a former employee of a toy factory that has already been closed for good.  I know what you might be thinking, "What is my character doing back in a factory if the factory is closed?"  The lore of Poppy playtime is where the player plays as a former employee of Playtime Co. who returns the abandoned toy factory of said company after receiving a letter from the staff who thought to have disappeared 10 years ago.  

Fighting Your Inner Demons by Fighting Dragons

 ❤ Definitions ❤            You read that right. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) has been found to help with mental illness recovery. If you haven’t already read “Can Fighting Dragons Help Your Autism”, read that first and come back here. (Here’s the link if you need it: [link] )              An article in the Australian Psychologist called “Defeating dragons and demons: consumers’ perspectives on mental health recovery in role-playing games” (a mouthful, I know) interviewed 13 participants in various stages of mental health and found that D&D played a significant role in their recovery.    ❤ Definitions ❤             Okay, let’s get a quick definition out of the way. What does “mental health recovery” imply? According to the article, we’re talking about the “development of new meaning and purpose of life,...

Can Fighting Dragons Help Your Autism

❤ Introduction ❤               As someone with both autism and a love for Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), it’s no surprise to me that it can be used in therapy, because of how it has helped me understand conversational cues. But now there are studies to back me up! ❤ The Dungeons and the Dragons❤             First, what is D&D? Originally released in 1974, its about playing a character and narrating their every action and every bit of dialogue. In my experience, some people get more into it, going first person for their characters rather than staying in third. There’s conflict and diplomacy and sometimes even romance. If you haven’t tried it, I highly suggest it for everyone. But this post isn’t about just playing D&D; it’s about using it for therapy. ❤Drama Therapy or Play Therapy ❤             A Graduate Project by Avery ...

A History of Paganism | From the Ancient to the Modern

We're on to History. I know, fascinating subject.  Paganism is an old practice, dating back pretty much to the beginnings of civilization.However, it wasn't always called that. The term "pagan" actually comes from the Latin word pagus meaning "country dweller" (EtymOnline). However, when early Christians dubbed the term for non-believers, it was much more akin to "country bumpkin". ❤Christianity's Impact❤ With the birth of Christianity, or at least soon after, came the fall of many pagan religions and beliefs. Julian the Apostate is thought to be the last Roman emperor who made a version of paganism the official religion of Rome. Rome was a polytheistic state with a vast pantheon. That all changed when Julian died in Persia (Gill).  Taking Over After Julian's death, a man named Saturninius Secundus Salutius (say that three times fast) was supposed to take over, but he didn't want the job. So it went to a Christian named Jovian. Many se...

Introduction to Neo-Paganism

Heyo! Over the next few months, I'm going to scatter some neo-pagan stuff in with my normal gaming and academic posts. After all, I want to research pretty much everything, religion included. Being neo-pagan myself, it felt natural to start with a religion I know well.  This will eventually be published as a book, but I wanted to share what I've learned about my own religion. ❤ A Quick Note ❤ As with any informational text, you should always fact check and do your own supplemental research. While I am doing my very best to bring you accurate information, I am not infallible. I'm human. So if something sounds too good to be true (or similarly too bad to be true) fact check me. I will always link my sources at the bottom with in-text citations as well. (This will be added to the main blog page too.)

House Flipper

Introduction        Thanks to the boost in popularity of so-called "house flippers" and their TV shows, nearly everyone knows what "flipping houses" means. If you don't, it's when you buy a run down house and completely revamp it, creating the house of someone's dreams.         House Flipper is a game that allows you to do just that. And I've put hundreds of hours into the game.   

Dead by Daylight

The game's release date was June 14, 2016. There's about 22-40 thousand players, and there is nearly 47,000 people playing dead by daylight through steam within just 30 days.  Wanna hang someone a hook like a worm play dead by daylight  -Zippo


Hello, my is Zippo Hernandez. My Hobby's are playing video games with my friends and I'll play board games with my family if we all decided to have a game night. There's also movie, tv shows and TV series. I'll be writing about video games 90% of the time but I might write about my other Hobby's. Sincerely, Zippo